First time I ever saw a full Fennel Rhizome in my life was in late summer 2017, at Hudson Farmers Market where we do our direct sales on Saturdays. Our neighboring tent was an amazing vegetable stand run by our friend Sue, an incredible farmer of Blue Star Farm. When I looked at the strangeness of its appearance , a big rhizome bulb grow upwards into many branches of stems , leaves, flowers and seeds and then its pleasing aroma, I kind of instinctively fell in love with it.

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Fermentation King

OIivia Miller, a food, health and well-being enthusiast! based in New York City lived with us for few weeks in September. Olivia wrote this beautiful blog from our conversation . It reflects Atina Foods guiding principles. We are happy to share the here

Inji Puli Chocolate Almond Tart

In the production kitchen last week I helped make over 300 jars of Atina Food’s Inji Puli—Ginger Tamarind herbal jam. The sweet, earthy smell of freshly toasted black peppercorns, mustard seeds, fenugreek leafs and warm tamarind fruit pulp lingers in my memory as an unplaceable yet irresistible scent— reminiscent of buttery popcorn with rich chocolatey undertones and zesty, floral ascents.

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